Your Opinion: ADA accessibility a trail consideration

Dear Editor:

I am writing regarding the disagreement about the proposed surface of the trail at the Noren Access area. While I do not have a strong opinion whether it should be a natural trail or a concrete path, there is one thing that tips the balance for using concrete.

The trail would be far more usable and accessible with a concrete surface. People with disabilities could readily get from their cars to view and enjoy the river without impediments. Families with strollers, people who have difficulty walking on uneven surfaces, people who don't want to get their shoes dirty would have access to this part of the trail. Phase One of this project, which is the proposed concrete area, is a shorter trail than the ones that will hopefully be developed in the future. These trails would be "natural" trails.

On July 26 we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. It would be appropriate as we go forward with this discussion and with this exciting project to keep everyone in mind.

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