Your Opinion: Negative ads hurt people, our nation

Dear Editor:

We have just witnessed politics at it's worst! Tom Schweich was a hard-working, honest, low-profile public servant who was so professional at his job that when re-election came up, no one on either side of the aisle even bothered to oppose him. Yet, in spite of having had an unblemished record, some arrogant campaign writer makes a commercial stating that Schweich, among other unsubstantiated accusations, "might be mistaken for the Deputy Sheriff of Mayberry."

I don't care if that comment came from a liberal or a conservative; whomever they are, they should be tracked down and the pompous, arrogant pile of trash needs to be exposed. Apparently in politics you destroy your "friends" first and then your "enemies." They have forgotten Ronald Reagan's Eleventh Commandment, "Speak no ill of your fellow Republican."

I remember well being in the presence of a campaign writer for William Webster during the primary and they were ridiculing an ad for Roy Blunt in which he was wearing a flannel shirt as he walked with a farmer through a field. They thought his shirt was so neat that "it looks like it had been ironed" and subsequently issued ads that implied that Blunt was an elitist and out of touch with the very people with whom he was pictured. Well, in the end, Roy Blunt went to the Senate and Bill Webster went to prison.

Little wonder why many good, honest qualified candidates refuse to run for office. There are cold-blooded, anonymous jerks out there making a living destroying people and their families with everything from innuendo to down-right insults.

To have devoted your life to doing your job in a professional, unbiased manner, always putting the integrity of the office you hold ahead of anything else, patiently waiting your turn for a higher position and then to have some faceless campaign publicist create a commercial using personal insults as well as the party chairman's "misspeak" (which was apparently not retracted until after Schweich's death) regarding his faith, were cruel and indications of desperation on the part of his detractors.

We, the people, are sick to death of the atmosphere of negative, "gotcha" politics that we have to endure without ceasing from one election to another and it is destroying our country!

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