Your Opinion: War continues on Christians

Dear Editor:

I'm writing to illustrate just another more frequently occurring example of how quickly we are turning our country over to the Muslim religion. I refer to a May 11 article by John Hayward:

"Catholic University Investigated for Offending Muslims By Having Too Many Crosses"

( Quotes from the article: "The sixty-page complaint was filed with the Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights by a one-man nuisance-lawsuit factory, George Washington University Law School Professor John Banzhaf." "Banzhaf's complaint alleges that the large amount of Catholic imagery draping the halls of Catholic University creates an "offensive" environment in which Muslims are intimidated out of proper reverence for their own religion"....."forcing them instead to find temporarily empty classrooms where they are often surrounded by Catholic symbols which are incongruous to their religion."

It's unbelievable to me how our president and his willing accomplices, the mainstream media, are either so blind, naïve or willing to disregard the facts and ignore the greatest threat to this country possibly since the revolution. We are as weak economically and morally as we ever have been which is like exposing our underbelly to one of the most aggressive, determined and resourceful enemies we've ever encountered.

We recently witnessed a shooting in Texas that was brought on by what we as a civilized society should tolerate with disgust but radical Muslims consider a death sentence. What was really unbelievable to me though was the drive-by media's obsession with the debate on freedom of speech rather than complete abhorrence and denigration of the act!

Liberals, welcome to the end result of all the governments rulings taking away the rights of Christians who refuse to violate their religious beliefs in their business environment. Are you going to demand Catholics take down their crosses because it offends Muslims as was demanded the Christian caterer serve a gay wedding? Will the result of the battle of cultures over the future of this country be freedom or oppression? A SCOTUS decision will probably be after the next two judges get appointed and if Hillary gets elected and we get two more liberals on the bench we may as well give this country its last rites.

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