Guns are not source of America’s problems

Charles Schroeder,


Dear Editor,

It is not the guns! It is the people!

No guns walked into the schools, the street, the store to kill the people; it was a person. I cannot think of anything worse than a person walking into a school and slaughtering little children.

A gun did not make that decision; that decision was made by a mentally deranged person.

It is not the AR-15 military style assault rifle to blame; it was a human being wanting personal recognition and or suicide by law enforcement.

We do not blame the car for all the deaths involved in vehicle accidents; we blame the driver.

You cannot fix a leaking water pipe in your basement by putting a new roof on your house, nor can you correct a person's mental condition by taking guns from the citizens of their country.

To correct the problem of crime, robbery, riots, shooting and hate will take two generations. The past two generations have to change, the me-me-I-I generations, the decline in respect for traditional American values, hard work, self-reliance and respect for the law.

What has happened to discipline, respect, responsibility and self-worth? What has happened to family values? Where is Mom and Dad to talk to, to discuss problems, more important, it is to identify that the child has a problem. The sooner the diagnosis, the sooner the therapy.

Big Tech plays a big part in the life of our youth, instead of communicating with family and friends, they spend the best part of communicating with family and friends, they spend the best part of their life alone on a phone, computer, laptop, etc!

Loneliness and depression can lead to disasters, suicide, shootings. We also have killings involving gangs, drugs and hate.

We have to find the root to evil!

In many places criminals have more rights than law enforcement. Law enforcement files charges against criminals; judge turns them loose. The justice department is soft on crime. This has to change!

Too many cities, defund the police and blame the cops. What we need is more law enforcement, more police, more detectives, more investigation. We need law and order.

The Lord said, "Love thy brother as thyself." That is the problem; too many people hate anyone who disagrees with their ideology.

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