Missouri DNR endorses proposal to build new well, pump station

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources has endorsed a proposal from Missouri American Water to build a new well and pump station in Jefferson City.

The work will take place at the company’s High Street plant and is being done to help the company address its growing service area, Missouri American Water spokesman Brian Russell said.

The company has added customers in Redfield, Wardsville and Hillers Creek.

“On the grassy hillside, near the treatment plant, there is an underground storage facility,” Russell said. “It was originally built in 1888 and last had significant upgrades in 1927. It’s time to get something new after 130 years of service. The well will store water at the treatment plant and will have extra capacity compared to what is there now.”

Along with the new storage facility, Russell said, they are also building a new service center on Hoover Street.

“The office next to the treatment plant will become laboratory space for the plant,” Russell said. “Water quality monitoring will take place there. We’ll move it out of the area in the plant where it is currently being done.”

Russell said they are cutting down trees and making other land preparation to get the project started. The $9.2 million project is expected to be completed by November 2020.

Local contractors Stokes Electric, Harold Butzer and Central Missouri Professional Services will be involved with the project.

Russell said customers shouldn’t notice any change in service with the work.

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