Your Opinion: Damage done by Democrats

Dear Editor:

The Democratic Party that fought for slavery, the KKK, and Jim Crow laws now has economic slavery for the whole country. Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals (Hillary wrote her thesis on him) wrote that to transform a country, you must collapse it economically. The Democrats spent $10 trillion in 7.5 years and doubled the national debt.

The extreme regulatory Dodd/Frank bill, raising corporate taxes to the highest in the world, Obamacare and raising the minimum wage devastated/killed businesses in America. Obama's own job czar, Jeffrey Immelt, took GE to China! When people go on welfare through need or laziness, the government controls them.

Then, the Democrats opened the boarders, established sanctuary cities, prisoners were released and illegals came in by the millions all on taxpayers' dime and all were given given voter ID cards and moved to swing states so that the Republican Party would be annihilated and they would have total control over everyone!

The bait for the uninformed/indoctrinated is "free college," but some remember the lies of free health care that has bankrupted health insurers and cost hundreds of billions. How do they plan to pay for this? Since your children did not earn your estate, the government plans to take it from you - it's Agenda 21 another Clinton favorite like the Community Reinvestment Act that forced banks to do subprime loans and caused the housing crisis.

There are now over 80,000 ISIS terrorist in 28 countries that threaten our existence, but Hillary took over 1,000 donations from terrorist countries, so she will increase sixfold the number entering our country.

Then, they get priority over Americans on jobs with the H2B Program. Republicans get criticized for watching the budget, but when Obama ignored the 43 billion in lawsuits against Iran and sent the $1.7 billion, then there is little money for out military, schools, infrastructure and disease.

So, if you want to see your cities burning, a war on cops, your children learning Islam in schools through Common Core, your estate going to the government, your freedom removed and a government that alters data and lies to you, then you need to vote for Hillary and put the last nail in the coffin of America.

The Clintons have only been accountable for one of dozens of scandals - when they couldn't delete the "blue dress" and hide behind corrupt attorneys general.

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