Your Opinion: Response to 'deceptions'

Dear Editor:

This is a response to the July 10 letter, "How many deceptions?"

I doubt that Obama's father wanted to punish the U.S. for colonizing African countries since the U.S. never had any colonies on that continent. Colonies were European enclave until after World War II.

Bill Ayers stated that Obama should be tried for war crimes for using drones and has denied any close association with Obama.

Redistributing wealth has been around since the federal income tax was adopted in 1913. Most people fall into both camps - the takers and makers. Businesses get tax subsidies, loan guarantees and contracts from federal and state governments. Workers pay Social Security and Medicare. No one can predict which ones will get out more than they paid in. Many states get more back in aid than their residents pay in federal income taxes.

The overwhelming number of scientists agree that climate change is a reality and it is man made. According to NASA, the World Meteorological Organization and NOAA, nine of the 10 warmest years have occurred since 2000. None of the climate data was compromised by the computer hackers.

The contention that many political figures were going to profit from cap and trade because they were associated with the Chicago Climate Exchange is ridiculous because it was acquired by Intercontinental Exchange on October 21, 2010, when the original cap and trade bill failed to pass resulting in massive layoffs.

More recently the EPA Clean Power Plan emphasizes cooperation between states. States where more clean energy is being produced than is required by the Clean Power Plan could sell their surplus credits to states not meeting their quotas. Trades can be made without any need for interstate agreements. Since there are no other countries involved there is no threat of 194 billion dollars leaving the U.S. as alleged.

China reduced its coal imports by 35 percent in 2015 and the government has put a three-year moratorium on opening of new coal mines. India, less developed than China, continues to grow its coal industry since 71 percent of electricity is coal fired quickly replacing wood and cow dung.

Yes, the White House has 49 reporters that can ask questions from the Briefing Room which was established in 1902. The reporters represent a wide range of political opinion from Fox News to Huffington Post. They obviously are not the mouthpieces for the Administration.

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