Your Opinion: Hillary's not qualified

Dear Editor:

Recently, there have been several articles about Hilary Clinton's qualifications to run for president of the United States. However, none of the articles list any results from those positions. In reality, she has under performed or completely failed in all those positions.

As a lawyer, she failed the bar in New York and had to retake it in Arkansas to pass. Her court experience was to get a child molester off by demonizing a 12-year old and then laughing about getting a guilty person back on the street. How does the Children Defense Fund view that matter? Does the Rose Law Firm and Whitewater fiasco ring any bells?

As first lady, she failed to pull together the pre-Obama Affordable Care Act costing the taxpayers millions. She also had her hand in Travelgate and how about those missing files that were in the White House? And when she left the White House she took items that belong to the taxpayers - dishes, etc.

As secretary of State, she was instrumental in getting several agreements passed with North Korea and Iran. How's that working out? She also okayed a pact with a Russian company that produces uranium. Also as secretary of State, she used private servers to hide global initiatives resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars for the Clinton Foundation. During her tenure, the State Department cannot account for over $6 billion.

As a senator, the articles say that she worked with other senators to get bills passed. Does that mean she voted for them when they came to the Senate floor?

Finally, her role as a wife. Her husband, Bill, cannot seem to stay at home and enjoy the warm and loving environment that Hillary provides. In fact, she has lead the attack on all women that Bill has bedded. Like the 12 year old, she demonizes them and somehow makes the stories go away.

Her only success story is that when she and Bill left the White House, they were broke (her words) and somehow she (they) have accumulated roughly a quarter of a billion dollars.

So you can see that on paper she has a pretty sustainable resume but in reality, she had accomplished little. Let's not vote for someone that has been given many opportunities and failed at them all.

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