Your Opinion: Apology for error, but point remains valid

Dear Editor:

I must apologize for my statement made in my last letter to the editor. There was no "direct" analysis of the flooding of the ice arena by climate alarmist letters in the opinion page. It was inferred from several letters that were written shortly after the flooding of the ice rink.

For example: In a Sept. 15 letter "Recent flood events in Louisiana as well as what we have experienced here in Jefferson City add to many recent wake-up calls that we must act responsibly to reduce emissions" which was posted only days after the Ice rink flooded for the second time.

The other letters referenced were written by a person who in a letter last spring, referenced climate "warriors." In August and in the most recent letter he stated that we are at war and quotes "Rationality cannot save us" from the "Fogs of War."

It is easy to deduce from the common theme found in many alarmist letters (some posted shortly after each flooding) that "immediate action must be taken" and the action is always the same "Carbon taxes and increased government regulations on CO2 emissions." It is repeated so often that everyone knows it by heart. Other people may have come to the same conclusions as I did.

I admit I should have been more careful in my choice of words and for that I apologize; regardless the point remains the same. Carbon taxes and carbon regulations will do nothing to help the ice rink or the victims in Louisiana, but careful, thoughtful, intelligent planning will.

Instead of blaming man-made climate change flooding and flood damage needs to be carefully analyzed for the actual causes and then well thought out rational solutions to prevent the problem from recurring needs to be taken.

Floods have occurred many times in the past and will happen again and again in the future, it is the way of things.

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