Your Opinion: Don't allow erosion of our freedoms

Dear Editor:

The systematic and methodical eroding of our freedoms and Constitution is happening and we are allowing it. Obama, Clinton, Gore and especially Soros have created "Resistant Organizations" that are attacking our history through violent protests to remove statues and blatantly destroy the reputation of our founders. They hate Trump because he stands for people of America and wants to restore its strength through jobs, border security, a strong military, immigration reform and tax reform - something they have spent years destroying.

Obama ignored the Constitution by his DACA ruling allowing 800,000+ illegals rights to remain in America. Globalists from both parties that rely on campaign funds from international companies, want open borders that will ultimately destroy our sovereignty. Already, the liberal Democrats in California and Maryland have given illegals voting rights and multiple elections show more votes than registered voters. They oppose voting reform for a reason!

Hillary is calling for the removal of the electoral college. The outcome: the party that gives everything "free" to people will outnumber taxpayers who bear the burden of costs. The architects of Obamacare and the Iran Deal stated, "Americans are so stupid, we can lie to them and they believe it!" Altakiya is a Muslim term indicating that lying, cheating, stealing to meet your objective is OK. It has been stated the 1.4 billion given to Iran by Obama, is helping North Korea develop nuclear weapons.

The Progressive Democrats' plan to pay for this is Agenda 21. Obama stated the government made you successful, therefore has rights to take your property, your estate and not allow its passage to your children because they did not earn it. Did you work your whole life, to give it to the government? The Clintons put "all" federal departments under Agenda 21 goals. This is a redistribution of America wealth just like their global warming hoax, their tax plan, and Obamacare.

They promote it through indoctrinating children, the fake news media, Hollywood, hidden regulations, treaties, corruption, hidden agenda (only exposed because of unprotected servers) and fooling uninformed, gullible Americans. Trump doesn't rely on lobbyists' money, but fights both parties to save us from the Marxist, Socialist, Fascist, and Islamists that want to destroy this country and initiate the promised world caliphate.

Wake up, speak out, your freedoms are worth it!

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