Your Opinion: Trump election a rebuke of growing Socialism

Dear Editor:

I'm writing to respond to O'Mara's distortion of, and his seemingly attempt to sell, socialism. What struck me is how he says he loves words but curiously the word freedom is apparently not a word he loves since it wasn't included in his letter.

Socialism is nothing but a sales pitch by power hungry hucksters who are offering free stuff if you just buy their destructive product. What's the difference between Socialists and drug dealers? Their pitch: just try it and you'll like it. That's great for today, but what about the future costs in taxes and loss of freedoms? O'Mara's list describing necessary government programs currently in effect as socialism is like comparing an aspirin for a cure of a headache to taking opium that creates a dependency. An example is Obamacare which was only a foot in the door for the next step to the addiction of free medical care for all. An example of what one can expect from socialistic free medical care is the VA. Is this the quality of care you want for you and your family with no other choice? Remember the Obama lie on 6/6/2009, "If you like the plan you have, you can keep it. If you like the doctor you have, you can keep your doctor, too." This is what one can expect from any socialist who is more concerned about keeping their unlimited power!

Socialism, Marxism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism (National Socialist German Workers' Party) are all basically the same which are varying levels of government controls on citizens freedoms. The spectrum of socialist controls on the citizenry range from what we as Americans have to the most extreme being Nazism. Capitalism is the foundation on which this country was built and our Constitution was written to provide protection from tyrannical government overreach. All the 'isms' above are all the polar opposite of capitalism. Capitalism requires personal responsibility and initiative to be successful. The other 'isms' only require a powerful government and willing subjects to exist. They can only survive as long as the citizenry are kept under control by free stuff and/or intimidation and fear.

The election of Trump was a clear rebuke of the growth of socialism by patriotic, responsible Americans who love freedom and fear the pangs of a corrupt socialistic bureaucratic government.

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