Your Opinion: Let’s concentrate on unification

Tom Ault

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

It is uncommon for me to write about racism, but after reading the Steve Phillips article in the Nov. 20 newspaper, I felt it to be a responsible effort on my part.

Most of us are tired of hearing about politics. This mid-term election pointed out that the only interest the mainstream politicians had was self-promotion, getting elected, denigrating their opponents, and driving us all nuts with slanderous advertising every minute, and even invading our homes with robocalls, especially at dinner time or during our evening relaxing time.

It appears to me that Mr. Phillips has bias in his thoughts, but being a respected journalist, he should also have a more balanced article regarding the cause and effect of woman voters. Many women voted this year for what they believed the candidate would accomplish for their city, their county, and our country, not shouting to the world about their ancestry but only proving they were citizens of this great country.

This country cannot be run by either “black” or “white” or “red” or “yellow” people! It has to be run by United States of America citizens who have the interest of our country and its leadership in their hearts. We are a country of many races. One that once was based on Christian principals without regard to race, and fully aware of other religious beliefs.

A child of the 1940s, I had friends of all races. None of us had much, but appreciated what we had. We never thought about what we didn’t have. Today all you hear about is “give to this, give to that”, and “oh those poor, poor folks.” I didn’t know I was one of those “poor folks” until the last couple of years when the media continually enlightened me. I thought that everyone had to start at the bottom and then work toward bettering themselves.

We should be proud of our heritage. There have been many people of all races that have used their abilities to make our country stronger, not weaker through division.

Let’s get off this kick of have and have not. Let’s concentrate on being united and working together for tomorrow before we become divided and lost like so many great countries before us.

Remember what J. F. Kennedy said. “It is not what the country can do for us, but what we can do for our country.”

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