Your Opinion: Seeing is believing

Jeff Holzem

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Like many of you, I have lived in Missouri most of my life. Growing up, I enjoyed hiking in the woods after school and during the summer. The few days it was too hot to hike, we biked to Memorial Pool or walked to Frog Hollow Creek to swim. Unfortunately, we now have more too hot days right here in Jefferson City.

I expect to water my trees and blueberries during the summer, but the last couple winters were so dry, I watered in January and February. Even with frequent watering, some branches died with heat and drought. Since I see what is happening here, it is easy to believe the Fourth National Climate Assessment, which says the entire world is getting warmer while floods and droughts are becoming worse.

Fortunately, the climate report tells us what we can all do offset this. We can reduce carbon emissions. There are many ways we as individuals can cut down on emissions. Growing our food or buying it locally along with not wasting food will make a big difference.

For a bigger impact, support a national measure such as the bipartisan Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act just introduced in Congress. The bill will significantly reduce emissions by adding a fee to cover the cost of releasing carbon emissions into the air. The fee will be assessed when oil or coal is taken from the earth. All money collected will be returned to Americans in dividend checks. In fact, most of us will receive more in dividends than our extra fuel cost. All farm use fees will be refunded.

Cleaning up the air will improve our health and save lives. The bill will add 2.1 million new jobs over 10 years. I see what is happening around us now and believe a carbon fee and dividend is the best way to keep our country and the world in good shape for us and our children.

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