Your Opinion: Rebuttal makes valid point: No time limit on improprieties

Dear Editor:

On my Jan. 20 opinion, I wrote about "Does trash sell" and in that article I said, among other things, "These sex scandals being brought up now are outdated for the most part. It is like getting on a bus, already loaded with too many people, just because at the end of the line there is to be some kind of reward."

I received a comment from a lady who informed me that there is no time limit on improprieties.

I asked what she meant and she explained it very well, and I had to admit that she was correct in her supposition.

"I have held several employment positions during my lifetime. I was involved, verbally, with men either for whom I worked, or with those that I was required to associate with. There were a few times when I felt violated, sometimes physically, but generally verbally, to see how I would react. I was not alone! None of us were highly paid women, just hard working women trying to make a living. Many of us were subjected to foul language, nasty jokes and demeaning gestures.

Some of us were paid far below what our counterparts earned and that was considered 'okay' since we were women. There was, and still are times, that the pay did not reflect our abilities. We could not speak up then as we would have been replaced or demoted. Now, in the 2000 era, we can at last speak out against those injustices and be heard. I believe that many women are coming forward at long last to voice their grievances, knowing those things took place long ago when we could not speak out."

I listened intently to her comments, and admit she made a valid point. Perhaps the business world should have listened long ago instead of ignoring the problem. They should have considered the lady's grievances and chastised those men responsible. Women should be equal in the workplace. There is no reward at the end of the ride, except for a few. Some do it for the publicity, and we all know who they are.

I apologize if any of you hard-working and professional ladies felt demoralized! That was not my purpose. I believe that all humans are equal and should be equally paid, as well as equally acknowledged for their achievements.

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