Your Opinion: How can McCaskill, a Catholic, support abortion?

Dear Editor:

For the last several months, I have been receiving emails from Claire McCaskill touting her moderate middle-of-the-road stance on everything from soup to nuts. Recently, she had the opportunity to prove that she is at least moderate in one ongoing and very important debate that is going on in our country. Should we be allowed to kill unborn babies after they are 20 weeks of age in the womb? She has once again demonstrated how and why she gets a 100 percent favorable rating from Planned Parenthood and NARAL, two of the largest entities in the country that support and take part in killing babies in the womb.

In the Senate of the United States she once again took the position that she likes killing babies in the womb by voting against the bill entitled "Pain Capable Unborn Child Act."

This woman calls herself a Catholic, at least when you look up Catholic senators, she is listed as one. Anyone who has at least the tiniest inkling of what Catholics believe knows that abortion is absolutely diametrically opposed to Catholic teaching.

I would encourage Catholics in particular and anyone who is pro-life to keep this in mind in the next Missouri senatorial election and vote for someone who does not hold Claire McCaskill's despicable views on killing babies in the womb for money.

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