Your Opinion: Sex change operations for inmates

Dear Editor:

Every once in a while, something gets my attention and I wonder why I didn't, or why one of my friends didn't, think of that "something" first. Enter Shiloh Quine and her attorney.

That "something" happened recently when I read about the prisoner serving a life sentence for murder, and a couple of other things, who has been given the right to a free sex change operation. The attorney argued that the prisoner suffered terrible pain caused by a dissociative identity disorder. Oh yes, another sophisticated term, "dysphoria."

Here I have been suffering from a similar situation all of my life caused by the disproportionate loss of my hair to the aging of my body. Undoubtedly, had I thought of the pain I suffered as a disorder, I may have received a complete hair transplant, at the government's cost. (Which of course means all of you would be paying a portion in my behalf.)

The difficult part would be how could a person go to prison just long enough to get the freebies being offered? Could it be just a minor theft? Probably not, I would have had to do something more spectacular than that! I would not want to have to spend the rest of my life there, of course I would have room and board, (not exactly the type I would prefer) free health care, no utilities or taxesof course I could only see relatives and friends on visiting days, but wait, that's about as often as I see them now although more comfortably here at home.

Oh well, I guess I won't go ahead with any plans for my hair adjustment, it doesn't seem like a good trade-off.

I do think, however, that these unfortunate people that have committed a crime and have gone to prison do not deserve "beyond reasonable" health care just because some attorney or therapist thinks his/her client should be able to change their sexual orientation, when so many much more deserving people, who can't afford needed transplants or medical attention, receive no help.

Consider this; we spend thousands of dollars to defend them, thousands more to incarcerate them, and now thousands more to make them comfortable, in prison!

Presently there are 400 transgender inmates in California alone at least they want us to believe that is their gender! Try multiplying that times at least $25,000. Where do our taxes go?

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