Your Opinion: Shame on Trump

Robert Haslag

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

I am sure it will surprise no one familiar with my submissions that I have numerous issues with President Trump and his administration, but on Nov. 10, 2018, this president embarrassed me as I thought impossible. On that day there was a ceremony to honor American dead and other casualties endured in the three-week battle of Belleau Wood, 30 miles from Paris in response to a German thrust toward Paris. This ceremony was specifically to honor American Marines who were slaughtered over three weeks to ensure the Germans did not achieve their goal. Due to bad weather and evidently a failure to understand that umbrellas were available, Trump decided to not attend.

For those who do not know the history of this battle, it was definitive in the history of the Marine Corps. In three weeks of carnage, Marines displayed unremitting courage both preventing the Germans from advancing on their goal and then seizing the offense and eventually securing Belleau Wood with French allies. During those three weeks, Marines suffered more than 1,800 deaths and 10,000 casualties. Indeed, in one day on June 6 alone, our Marines suffered almost 1,100 casualties, at that date, the highest recorded in Marine Corps history. For three weeks American Marines faced barbed wire, well-prepared machine gun positions and repeated German counter attacks. They died in droves achieving their objective, protecting Paris and halting in their sector what was part of the final German major offensive in WWI.

On Nov. 10, 2018, our president, because of rain, decided he could not attend a ceremony specifically honoring our Marines buried in the French countryside. For a man who has bragged about his devotion to our troops to fail to simply endure a couple hours of rain and possible discomfort to show his respect for their sacrifice is beyond the pale and a disgusting display of disrespect to those who died there. It was a reprehensible display of more concern for his comfort than a willingness to show for our nation the respect and honor 1,800 Marines deserved.

Mr. Trump — and I use that term rather than his title on the basis of this disrespect — you do not deserve to be the commander in chief of men who have repeatedly and in this case specifically shown more dedication to America than the personal discomfort you chose to give priority. Shame, sir.

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