Your Opinion: Hypocrisy and double standards

Wanda Roam

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Hypocrisy and double standards abound in America. Racism has become the trigger word for the liberals. However, when there is evidence of “racism” on the left with politicians and loved Hollywood elites in blackface, and past statements found showing their racist leanings, the trigger is disengaged and grace and forgiveness abounds. Women and children are lifted up by the liberals and their gospel message is that all women are to believed and all children are to be protected and not torn away from their mothers — except if a woman accuses a liberal Democrat of sexual assault or the woman and Planned Parenthood decides the child inside or even outside the womb is unwanted and should be torn out of the womb and murdered, forever separating the child from its mother.

The liberals declare they are for border security while at the same time saying that ICE should be abolished and the number of CBP beds be reduced to allow convicted illegal aliens to be set free inside of America. They ignore the requests of the Border Patrol to give them the funding for the barriers that will greatly enhance their ability to keep our border and themselves safe as they perform their duties. These same liberals who declare a wall as immoral have walls, gates and armed security for themselves while ignoring the cries from angel families.

This spirit of hate and division is evil and whether we want to see it as it truly is, it is an anti-Christ spirit. God is the one who puts leaders in positions of authority, and if the one He chooses is one to be used for God’s purposes and His glory, then Satan rises up with every weapon in his arsenal to divide us and pit the godless, uninformed and misled against those who look to God for our help and our blessings. I do believe that God put Donald J. Trump in the White House because He gave him the strength and determination he needed for such a time as this in America. God used the most flawed sinners as His disciples and He can use President Trump in the same way. I’m thankful President Trump is willing to acknowledge that we are all created in the image of God and is standing strong against the hate-filled rhetoric spewed nonstop from those that Satan has deceived. Pray for our president and America.

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