Your Opinion: ‘Greatest economy in history’ claim incorrect

Robert Haslag

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Mr. Otto, evidently you discovered the weakness of the “joke” concept and now posit Mr. Trump is merely echoing statements made by preferred source, Art Laffer. Just because Mr. Laffer claims that this is the greatest economy in history only proves both Laffer and Trump are hyperbolic. An individual’s credentials do not create truth. Simply, Mr. Otto, there is objective truth and regardless the source, merely accepting it because Mr. Laffer said it does not invest truth. A president echoing something said based upon that person’s credentials without verification only makes the president either a fool or desperate for justification. As for your and Mr. Trump’s characterization of the Mueller Report, it is obvious neither questioned Mr. Barr’s four-page summary as accurate, leaving both significantly disadvantaged on substance regarding the 448 pages. Please research more than the net or Fox. We have regrettably lost our appreciation of books. I humbly propose judgment without critical research and context counterproductive.

Second, I compliment you on your Lincoln letter of May 8. We can agree! Your judgment that Lincoln receives short shrift in its support in this community is absolutely correct. Thank you for that.

As for Ms. Roam’s “obsession” piece of May 14: Anyone witnessing the Nixon’s debacle perpetrated upon our Democracy in the ’70s has a more enlightened view of this president actions. Like Nixon, Mr. Trump desired an attack, though digital, upon a Democratic candidate/party to his advantage. Like Mr. Nixon, Mr. Trump subverted and now subverts the Justice Department as a political weapon. Like Mr. Nixon, Mr. Trump essentially claims that “when the president does it, it is not a crime.” Like Mr. Nixon, Mr. Trump deceives the public regarding the facts of the case. Like Mr. Nixon, Mr. Trump denies Congress access to relevant information conducting their Constitutional duty as an equal branch of government. And, like Mr. Nixon, the third branch of government, the Judiciary, should disabuse Mr. Trump of his presumptions as to his unbridled power.

Ms. Roam, I watched this game being played by an equally, psychologically damaged individual whose every act justifies the “obsession” to preserve the delicate, Constitutional balance of our institutions and their equal, institutional powers. This man-child is a bully whose only interest is his own wealth, preservation of his own power and exclusively his own interests to the exclusion of Democracy itself.

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