Your Opinion: Banning guns a first step to banning freedom

Mark Bruenger Sr.

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

About every two minutes there is a home invasion. If a free citizen, in a free country, decides to be unarmed and helpless of their own free will, that is their choice. What Democrats want is for everybody who does not want to be helpless is they must be made helpless by a tyrannical government edict; the U.S. Constitution be damned. Irrational feelings of the helpless herd shall then tower over individual rights, so government will be all powerful entity over the individual who will then be a slave of the government.

An armed free citizen homeowner has a chance to successfully repel intruders using the firearm of their choice if the government doesn't interfere with the citizens right to choose the firearm of their choice. An armed free citizen in public places has a chance to successfully stop a mass murderer; however, in both situations the armed citizen can be overwhelmed and fail to stop intruders or a mass murderer.

Practice is the best way to be successful at any task. However; forced disarmament negates practice and any chance of success against an armed criminal. A bunch of helpless herd animals that won't leave their mental safe place should have no power to disarm a law abiding individual thus aiding the violent criminal.

Probability of survival of yourself and others in every activity is just that, a probability. That probability value can be increased or decreased depending upon long or short-term decisions. A lot of people wear seat and shoulder belts to increase their probability of survival in a vehicle wreck not just to obey the law. Reality can overwhelm the safety devices and vehicle occupants can still die when crash forces are not absorbed as planned.

The probability of a socialist government eliminating all individual freedom is a 100 percent certainty, but the enslavement of the individual will happen a step at time. The First and Second Amendments will be the first rights eliminated and negation of the rest of the Constitution will quickly follow.

Democrats believe conservative armed Americans to be unworthy, shabby, reprehensible, despicable, abominable, sordid, vile, contemptible, loathsome, execrable, heinous, odious, etc. Giving Democrats any chance to enact their Socialist nightmare government is slitting the throat of individual free citizens.

Banning inanimate objects blamed for criminal activity is just stupid. Banning freedom of individuals is the Democrat plan they dare not mention.

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