Your Opinion: Reduce exposure to financial loss

Tony Smith

Jefferson City

Dear Editor:

Freedom from fear is something most people appreciate. When our leaders tell us to be fearful, it gets our attention.

Three major trends are happening in the world now. Number 1: America is isolating itself from friends and allies held dear since the end of the Second World War. Number 2: Tariffs are destroying the economic basis of our economy that has existed for the last three decades. Number 3: America is shutting off a labor supply from our borders that has fueled our economy the last 20 years.

In addition to the economic peril, our medical lifeline and Social Security are on the chopping block. In the past two years 6 to 7 million citizens have lost health care coverage. A Republican lawsuit is moving forward to destroy the ACA which could eliminate coverage for another 10 million citizens. This would force these people to rely on emergency room care. Hospitals call this uncompensated care. It raises insurance rates for you and me to cover these costs. Emergency room costs are scandalous.

The best advice these days is reduce your exposure to financial loss. We are due for a market correction. The introduction of large tariffs and the crackdown on cheap labor from immigrants is a double whammy. A recession could become a long term downward spiral. Consider moving your retirement accounts to safer havens. Invest in fixed assets and real estate.

Conservatives and this president have created this current dismal scenario. I wrote this a month ago. Nothing has changed or will change with unstable leadership.

I know my conservative family and friends are upset about what is happening to them. I also know they will go down with the ship. For the rest of us, we need to protect ourselves from the fear mongering and greed. Refuse to go down with the ship. Be proactive. Protect your assets and future benefits. This is the best hope to live free from the fear around us.

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